Businesses | SME | Teams | Organizations

Designed for businesses, SME, teams & organizations.

At iTechScope, we believe that it’s not only about knowing the rules or conforming to them that makes teams powerful, efficient and productive. Sharing the same vision, taking part in the process, building trust and being open to engaging in active conversations are some of the core elements that form cohesive and high performing teams.

Driven by these values, we have created a unique team coaching service

that focuses on supporting the formation, building of momentum and ongoing maintenance and stimulation of businesses, firms, corporate teams and organizations by providing them with the supportive environment, the motivatioν and the know-how they need to succeed.

And here’s how we do it!

Our approach

Our team coaching operates at the core of the team by maintaining a systematic presence within the team until the promoted values and visions become part of each member. The backbone of our approach is to guide the team towards effectively fulfilling the goals of the company, the CEO or the leader and go beyond its current abilities. This is done by

  • Discovering and openly addressing the team’s vulnerabilities in order to convert them into assets.
  • Empowering the team’s strong points so that they become the pillars of the team’s success.

The key features of our team coaching engagements include:

  • Creating a learning & performance culture: forming the team; fostering psychological safety; establishing team norms and the commitment necessary for learning and performance.
  • Fostering paradigm shifts: Supporting and challenging the team to shift ways of thinking and acting; opening the team up to feedback and information from a wide range of sources both within and outside the team.
  • Assessing strengths: Assessing individual and collective strengths; creating a strengths- inventory; identifying gaps; creating learning plans.
  • Encouraging experimentation & bold action: Encouraging risk-taking and experimentation; challenging and supporting bold action; supporting learning and reflection; celebrating successes; fostering a culture of recognition.

The process

Team coaching engagements typically unfold over 4 – 6 months, during which the professional team coach supports the team to accelerate its learning and performance. When the team is ready for coaching, an iTechScope professional team coach schedules regular meetings with the team (once a week, twice a month, depending on schedules and needs) to accomplish both concrete learning and performance goals that will generate results and build individual and collective capacity.

As the process moves along, we focus and examine on the following significant pillars:


Team analysis

We analyze the team as a system as well as the bigger system it belongs to.



We discuss the vision and prioritized goals of the team to ensure that coaching begins and ends with clear objectives.


Team psychology

We enhance the psychology of the team to increase personal and collective motivation on challenging tasks.


Team value

We recognize and analyze the values that are expressed amongst team members through behavioral patterns and communication, and help the team form a list of the core values it wants to represent over time.


Formulation of objectives

We analyze the needs of the team and the organization, set future plans and discuss actions that need to be taken.


Communication channels

We introduce and encourage the team towards one-on-one interactions, two-way feedback, team-building activities and different means of showing appreciation and gratitude for big or small acts and tasks. We also map out the common ground and the differences between team members.


Follow up

We follow up on our client to observe signs of growth, communicate the coaching impact and recognize the relationship changes between team members.

The duration of the cooperation and the meetings depend on the client’s needs and the pace at which changes are achieved within the team.

More often than not, the team coach is present in many significant meetings, offering assistance and guidance so as to achieve the best possible result and commitment towards the results of the meetings.

The benefits

  • Achieve a better performance
  • Develop meaningful communication between the members of the team and the administration
  • Create a goal-oriented working environment
  • Increase occupational satisfaction
  • Keep the team intact
  • Unlock and develop every team member’s potential
  • Pinpoint each team member’s problems and find solutions
  • Cooperate with the administration in order to reach the company’s goals
  • Bring forward innovative ideas and solutions
  • Turn the dysfunctionalities of the team into an opportunity for development and success

The result

Team coaching empowers team members, brings them closer together and inspires them to unlock their full potential and work united towards success.